2024年世界無菸日 (World No Tobacco Day 2024)
➢ 主題(Theme):保護孩童,避免菸商干擾(Protecting children from tobacco industry interference)
業的試圖操控 (例如 持續而強烈地透過社群媒體與串流平台行銷危險產品 ),而
2024年世界無菸日將提供 這些 年輕族群 一個 公開表達的機會 。
➢ 相關資訊:新的世界衛生組織活動強調菸商影響公共衛生政策的手法/策略 (New WHO campaign highlights tobacco industry tactics to influence public health policies)
保護年輕族群免受 菸草公司及其致命 商 品的 傷害 ,世界衛生組織今日正式發起
「停止謊言 (Stop the lies)」運動作為重要倡議 呼籲 菸草產業停止 干涉 健康政策。
The World Health Organization (WHO), today, officially launches the “Stop the lies” campaign as a vital initiative to protect young people from the tobacco industry and their deadly products, by calling for an end to tobacco industry interference in health policy.
這個運動主要是立基於國際菸害防制倡議組織「 STOP」 與 國際菸害防制善政中心 (the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, GGTC)所發布的<2023年全球菸草產業干涉指標 (The Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2023)1>,該指標指出 菸草產業對於 健康 政策的干預 逐漸 加劇 。
This campaign is supported by new evidence from “The Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2023”, published by STOP and the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, which shows that efforts to protect health policy from increased tobacco industry interference have deteriorated around the world.
1 The Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index (Global Tobacco Index)是全球性調查 資料為各
政府如何在世界衛生組織的 菸草控制框架公約 (WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) 第 5.3條 下 回應菸草廠商 對於 公共健康政策 的干預 ,以及如何 防止 公共 衛生 政策受到菸草廠
商 的 商業與 其他既得 利益 之 影響。
WHO’s campaign aims to amplify youth voices, expose tobacco industry tactics and increase public awareness on the need to defend health policies and protect the health of future generations.
Youth groups around the world called on countries to “…adopt decisions that shield us from the manipulative practices of tobacco and related industries.”
世界衛生組織健康促進司司長組織健康促進司司長Ruediger Krech表示:表示:「「有些年輕族群有些年輕族群要求政府保要求政府保障年輕族群免受障年輕族群免受菸草廠商菸草廠商作為有害商品的目標客群,作為有害商品的目標客群,而世界衛生組織與這些年輕而世界衛生組織與這些年輕族群同在,族群同在,我們呼籲所有國家我們呼籲所有國家透過不讓這些廠商在政策制定上透過不讓這些廠商在政策制定上占占有一席之地以有一席之地以捍捍衛衛健康政策。健康政策。」」
“WHO stands with young people globally who have demanded governments protect them against a deadly industry that targets them with new harmful products while outright lying about the health impacts. We call on all countries to safeguard health policies from this deadly industry by not letting them have a seat at the policy-making table,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, Director of Health Promotion, WHO.
The tobacco industry tries to interfere with countries’ right to protect people’s health by taking governments to court, or offering financial and in-kind incentives to be able to influence tobacco control policies, even at the upcoming WHO FCTC Conference of Parties. WHO supports countries in defending evidenced based tobacco control measures in the face of industry interference.
- 掩護機構掩護機構(傀儡組織傀儡組織)跟第三當事人跟第三當事人
- 社交媒體影響者社交媒體影響者
- 贊助活動贊助活動
- 贊助科學家與贊助科學家與偏頗的偏頗的研究研究
- 支持社會責任倡議支持社會責任倡議
The tobacco industry continues to lie to the public, using different ways to spread misinformation, including through:
1.Front groups and third parties
2.Social media influencers
3.Sponsored events
4.Funding scientists and biased research
5.Supporting corporate social responsibility initiatives
鑒於菸草廠商持續不斷地向弱勢族群(尤其是年輕族群尤其是年輕族群)行銷其商品行銷其商品,,世界衛生組世界衛生組織織致力於致力於揭露菸草廠商削弱健康政策揭露菸草廠商削弱健康政策的企圖,並且的企圖,並且號召政策制定者堅守對抗菸草號召政策制定者堅守對抗菸草廠商的影響廠商的影響,而,而目前已經有目前已經有183個《個《菸菸草控制框架公約》草控制框架公約》(Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, FCTC)締結方承諾會在全球健康條約下締結方承諾會在全球健康條約下實踐實踐。。
Recognizing the tobacco industry’s relentless efforts to market its products to vulnerable groups, especially young people, WHO is committed to expose the industry’s attempts to weaken health policies and call on policy makers to stand firm against tobacco industry influence. There are 183 Parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control that have committed to do this under the global health treaty.
The tobacco industry has a long history of lying to the public, even insisting that smoking does not cause lung cancer. Today we know that tobacco causes 25% of all cancers and kills over 8 million people each year, but the industry persists with marketing what they call ‘new’ and ‘safer’ products that we know are harmful to health, while still producing trillions of cigarettes each year.
With half of all tobacco users dying prematurely, the maintenance of the tobacco and nicotine market relies heavily on recruiting new, young users, and tobacco companies
employ multiple tactics to gain the trust and interest of young people at an early age.
Menthol and flavoured cigarettes and candy-flavored e-cigarettes with eye-catching designs have further contributed to the popularization of these products among the young generation, all while leaving many consumers largely unaware of the negative effects on their health.
The tobacco industry invests enormous amounts of money in lobbying against tobacco control policies and funds organizations that promote its interests.
These tobacco tactics, when left unchecked, inflict immeasurable harm on public health. Moreover, the production and use of tobacco and nicotine products have a cascading damaging effect on other critical issues such as the environment, mental health, and child labor. - 資料來源:
- https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-no-tobacco-day/2024
- https://www.who.int/news/item/16-11-2023-new-who-campaign-highlights-tobacco-industry-tactics-to-influence-public-health-policies
- https://globaltobaccoindex.org/report-summary